
Unlock a Better Life through Positive Brain Change (Neuroplasticity)!

Get Unstuck!

  • Feel stuck?
    • on a project at work or at home?
    • in a job, career, or other situation you don't feel great about?
    • in what feels like a wrong timeline or derailment of your life?
  • In limbo? Procrastinating on or avoiding a tough decision you have to make?
  • Wondering if you should start that business, buy that thing, or make that other change?
  • Wondering how to have a more productive or enjoyable life experience?

Create a better life through mental clarity & self-awareness

  • Our non-judgmental, exploratory-minded, growth-mindset oriented self-improvement approach helps you:
    • Stop judging yourself and others excessively, releasing energy to be used to improve yourself and the world around you.
    • Improve self-awareness & mental clarity, helping you know what you want and find it easier to act on and get it.
    • Improve mental and physical flexibility, help you see more options to do and get what you want.
    • Improve motivation & attitude, which flows from being unstuck, being aware in the moment, and through the mental ease of clarity, including relief from conflicting thoughts you've resolved.
    • Improve relationships with other individuals and groups through your unlocked energy, self-knowledge, greater confidence in yourself and options, and greater understandings of others' quirks and unexplored issues, which you have seen in yourself.
    • Better mental and physical performace through more single-minded purpose, determination to your goals, only possible through clarity of self-awareness.
  • We offer interesting self-education sessions and videos, so you can learn at a distance.
  • Individuals, couples and group sessions are available
  • Public Speaking engagements and seminars are available by special arrangement.

Learn how to figure yourself out better.
  • Clear obstacles in your mind so you can clear them out of your life.
  • Start going for and fighting the life you want with more energy!
  • Clarify goals, plans, and next steps.
  • Break down big burdensome goals into smaller doable goals you are comfortable getting started on.
  • Feel more confident taking action in your life, knowing you've thought things through.
  • Unpack & process what's on your mind. Feel relief, feel better!

  • Everyone needs an existential detective or self-studentship at some time in their life. You're the best qualified! Figure out your inner landscape and help reshape your outer one with our coaching services!

    Learn to be more of who you feel you're meant to be, and shape a life that better reflects what you want and why you're here, using our Coaching Services.

    We are life & self-improvement coaches and teachers. We don't diagnose or treat any conditions and are health or medical care, legal, accounting, or any other kind of state licensed professionals. We provide educational and entertaining services to people in the normal population, to assist in self-improvement and decision-making. Those needing professional advice, treatment or care for any matter should call 911 or see a licensed practitioner appropriate for that need, not us!
    • Terms of Service
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